Swimming Pool Maintenance Contract

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Swimming Pool Maintenance Contract

This contract is made between _________________, (hereafter known as the Client) and ______________ (hereafter known as the Contractor). The Client desires to have a swimming pool, located at _____________________, maintained regularly and repaired as necessary. Therefore, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Client shall grant Contractor access to the swimming pool and its surroundings during regular business hours and other mutually agreeable times.

2. Client shall pay Contractor $X on the first day of each (week or month) for regular maintenance services to be performed during the rest of that (week or month). See "Regular Maintenance" description below.

3. Client shall pay Contractor for any additional maintenance or repair that may become necessary to the normal operation of the swimming pool (hereafter known as "ad hoc work"). Contractor shall bill Client for the cost of ad hoc work and Client shall include payment with Client's next payment for regular maintenance.

4. Ad hoc work whose cost is less than $50 may be performed by Contractor without Client's explicit authorization. Work which Contractor estimates will cost $50 or more shall be authorized by Client before it is performed.

5. "Regular Maintenance" shall include removal of debris from the pool; inspection of the pool, pump(s), and associated equipment, and adjustments of equipment controls; testing of water quality; addition of chemicals necessary to achieve water quality conforming to industry standards and legal requirements.

6. Contractor shall begin performing regular maintenance on MM/DD/YYYY. Thereafter, regular maintenance shall be performed on a schedule to which the parties agree.

7. Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice to the other party. Any payment for services rendered owed by Client shall be due and payable at the time this agreement is terminated.

In witness to their agreement to these terms, the Client and Contractor affix their signatures below:

Client's signature, date

Contractor's Signature, date

Client's printed name

Contractor's business name

Client's street address

Contractor's business address

Client's city, state, and ZIP code

Contractor's city, state, and ZIP Code

This contract is tagged with these keywords: pool contract, pool, swimming pool, pool maintenance, pool service

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